
Learn, Prime to Nourish

Bio Energy

Bioenergetics is a term unknown to many in our Western culture.  But the science of bioenergetics has been around for over 80 years!  Energy medicine was originally discovered in the 1940’s by Dr. Voll.  He developed equipment that could read and record energy.    This equipment is now state of the art and can measure the energy in your body through your hair and saliva samples.  

Every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body holds energy.  We measure this energy using highly sensitive bioenergetic testing equipment.   If a tissue is high in energy this is good, it has proper oxygenation, nutrients and is operating optimally.  If a tissue is low in energy, this is a concern.  Many things can affect the energy and function of our body.  If we have toxins that need to be cleared or hormone imbalance or nutrient deficiencies, all of these things can contribute to poor energy in a cell, tissue, organ and/or system.    This directly affects the way that you feel.  

We seek to find what is causing this low energy and how it can be corrected.  The body knows how to balance itself.  This is called homeostasis and is what the body desires:  a stable equilibrium.  By understanding what is causing stress in your body, you can help it rebalance with the correct foods, nutrients and sometimes supplements and herbal remedies to aid the body in this rebalancing process.  

Consistent fatigue or lack of energy to get through your day is directly related to stress in your body.  All of our body systems work together.  And imbalance in one area can have a marked effect on the functions of another.  Anyone struggling with a whole body condition like a skin issue or a chronic health concern knows how frustrating it is to be constantly treating symptoms and receiving minimal results.  Instead of focusing on symptoms, we will shine light on potential reasons that your body isn’t feeling well.  

The bioenergetic testing that we use with our clients is designed to help you take control of your health.  You will discover key insights about what is going on inside your body including areas of stress and weakness, food and environmental sensitivities, nutritional and hormonal imbalances and resonating toxins that may be keeping your body from achieving its optimal balance.  

Holistic Nutrition

Holistic nutrition looks at the body as a integrated whole.  We look for food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies that may be driving some of the stress in your body.  This is done through a dietary bioenergetic scan.  Managing these two elements of nutrition often helps people feel better much faster!  When your body has the nutrients it needs to function and feel good then your health can thrive. 

In our practice we also utilize a full bioenergetic scan to dive deeper and find what areas of your body are stressed.  This is especially helpful for individuals who are still struggling with health issues after typical medical intervention.  Since we are looking at the body as a whole, and each part affects every other, this is a very comprehensive approach to improving your health.  We can determine what other factors may be causing stress in your body.  And imbalance in one area can have a marked effect on the functions of another.  Instead of focusing on symptoms, we will shine light on potential reasons that your body isn’t feeling well.  

We believe in the body and know that it knows how to rebalance itself.  This is called homeostasis and is what the body desires:  a stable equilibrium.  When the body is under stress, it may need help and with the information from your bioenergetic scan, we can help the body to rebalance with the correct foods and nutrients.  We also use may recommend supplements and specific remedies to aid the body in this rebalancing process.  

Learn, Prime to Nourish
Learn, Prime to Nourish


Supplements and remedies are often recommended for a period of time when we work with clients.  The reason for this is two fold.

First, when the body is struggling to function and clients are not feeling well, giving the body an extra boost of nutrients and support enables you to feel better faster.  This is very important because when our energy is low and we are having trouble getting through the day it’s tough to manage daily activites, much less take on a new diet or wellness activities to improve ones health.

Secondly, many supplements and remedies are supportive in nature in that they remind the body how to rebalance.  These supportive agents are often very gentle and many have no side effects.  They work with your body to achieve better health rather than covering up a symptom.  Our whole goal is to improve function of the body by reducing the stress that it is under.

Many times we will take a break from a specific supplement after taking it for a period of time to see how the body has adjusted and determine if it’s continued use would be helpful.   We make every attempt to not overuse supplements and are mindful of their cost.  Each client receives a 10% discount on supplements and remedies recommended by Prime To Nourish.  All supplements and remedies are of the highest quality from companies with stringent ethical and quality standards.